Tuesday 5 July 2022

South Korean Chatter

 I follow a lot of international news.  This week, I learned that South Korea went and changed the age limit on politicians....so if you were 18-to-25 years old....you could run for office.

So, it's rather shocking in South Korean politics now.....record number of 'kids' running for local office.

Big deal?  Well...some analysts have sat there and suggested something crazy....that the older guys (the folks over 50 years old)....were OUT-OF-TOUCH with society and problems.


A severe affect on the election outcome?  I would go and make a prediction that probably half of the youth candidates will win and walk into local city council meetings....shaking things up to a degree.

Would we ever allow something this crazy in America?  I doubt it. We prefer the out-of-touch folks....to keep things stable.  

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