Tuesday 5 July 2022

That Hate Mentality

 "What is the left's worldview beyond criticizing freedom, capitalism & America? They hate racism, but have no belief system that would end it. They hate capitalism, but their economic system leads to misery & poverty. They hate America, but want a world run by much worse powers."

-- Kyle Becker, via Twitter

I sat and pondered over this comment.

In some ways....over the past twenty years....society has evolved into a full-time whining  'crew', and wanting your attention around the clock (via the news or social media).

When people talk about the evils of capitalism....they always seem to be wearing $90 jeans, $100 Chuck Taylor tennis shoes, and some logo jacket that runs $200.  I just keep wondering how they'd fit in....with zero capitalism...for fashion.

The ones that complain about racism?  They never seem to want to move to a happier country in life.  

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