Wednesday 20 July 2022

What Is/Was A Serf?

 Well....originally (going back over 500 years)...a serf was a local guy who usually couldn't read/write, and they served the local 'estate'.  You were 'bound' in some way to the property and the local 'lord'. 

The neat thing about this could actually be a free-guy (non-serf) and make some stupid debt issues....thus finding your name on papers....putting you into serf status.

On the books in England, serfs ended around 1807.  In Russia, it officially ended in 1867.

I noticed today an argument being waged on Twitter....suggesting that Americans (with college debt) are getting themselves into serfdom status. 

It's an interesting argument. 

Officially, I'd agree....once you pass a limit....owning nothing much other than a car at age might present some evidence that you've entered serf status.

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