Friday, 20 December 2024

The 'Real' Presidency


I sat yesterday and read this story from the Wall Street Journal. Basically....the White House staff....for four years ran things because President Biden wasn't functional enough for the job.

So the first thing that popped in my head....are the pardons he handed out....any good?

Then I wondered...if Kamala knew this...why not say something?

But then....I got to the point wondering....what if we didn't really need a President or an election....just let staff run things? But after five minutes of pondering this, I realized you'd have to fire people occasionally...who'd do that?

It's a mess.  If you had a restaurant (as a boss), and you were 'half-out' each day (mentally)....the place would likely fail in six to twelve months.  

The humor to this?  They allowed him to go off on VIP-trips to Europe and parade around in this state of mind.  The Europeans?  They probably reached a five-star state of fear....that he'd run a second time and win.  

Yet no one from the news media really focused on this.  That's the real mystery.

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

That poor poor man.
I think you are just a big meany for picking on him...
* "Sharp as a tack."
* "Alert and inquisitive."
* "As honest as he ever was."