Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Just Pondering

 I pondered over the LA fire  business, and if I was one to have my $1.5-million house to burn up....with insurance in effect.

After a week of looking around....I'd come to realize that there aren't enough apartments within 200  miles for me and the family to linger/stay.

In my mind, there's just one avenue....go and buy a $25k travel trailer (probably from AZ or NV), haul it to the home-site (burned-up) and ask the city to hook it up to water, power and sewer.

So the first problem to come up....the power folks (run by incompetency)....will require at least a on-site evaluation (requiring three months just to be seen). Then their advice is that power can be hooked some point in late 2026 (figure 18 months of waiting).  

You end up with a solar platform in the burned-out site.....with marginal power for over a year.  

At this point, some city official arrives to examine your burned-site....where you had 12 solar panels (now burned-up), and just says this is a toxic zone....requiring a $700 evaluation by some certified gal to say if you need special $8k cleansing.

Then the water issue comes up.  Another review....another delay...this time for two  months.  They will admit that pipes function, and there is water there without any issues.  The chief problem?  They don't see a functional meter, and it'll take two months for them to acquire the meter and install it.

The meters?  Made in China, and you discover a year after installation....they are mostly defective.  

Garbage service?  Well....they send you a note to say sixty of their trucks burned up, and it might be December before they can run basic....once-a-month garbage pick-up.  You can make up for bringing your own garbage to such-and-such point each dump into a dump-truck.

Then the issue of things resembling a trailer-park....where your neighborhood of  sixty burned-out have sixty trailers set-up.  The city planning commission?  They aren't going to be easy-going on this issue.  I would assume by October...a limit of one year will exist for parked travel trailers.  

A strange phenonium will be noticed as folks underground stainless steel 12,000 tanks are buried in back-yards....for future fire-protection.  City regulations? By the end of least  25 pages of regulation will exist, and a department of underground water-tanks will exist, with some chief being paid $225,000 a year in control these tanks.

Oddly, an environmentalist group....the anti-stainless steel water-tank foundation will come into existence....saying this is not environmentally friendly.  Eventually, a guilt-tax (for each thousand need to pay $100 a year to ensure your fire protection situation).  

Meanwhile....some guy from Oregon will figure a way to haul 12,000 gallons of Oregon water down via I5....'stealing' the free water from some river and filling the individual tank up in LA.  Water-police will come to exist in both California and prevent this business scheme.

By the end of 2025, I'd suggest that almost 60-percent of those having lost homes....won't be staying and have exited the state.  

Oddly, in my scenario, of the 'dirt' properties put up for immediate sale....all will be bought by hedge-fund companies....but a year into the holding....they discover that no one is interested in moving into these neighborhoods or facing California incompetence.  A word will be invented....'Newsomed'....meaning you have a property asset that can't be marketed, and you lose money on your investment.

Finally, adding to least five percent of the burned-out folks....won't have the money for rebuilding, or moving.  So they end up in a homeless out of their car, and the LA mayor is now more determined than help the new homeless.

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