Thursday 20 February 2020

Nevada Debate

I would make five observations after watching the debate for the Democrats:

1.  With six 'players'.....this moderator team did a marginal job of keeping this on track and 'organized'. 

2.  'Mini-Mike' Bloomberg just never did take off.  Part of this blame, I'd assign to Senator Warren.  She did a five-star job on the guy.  On the positive side....he did introduce himself and state a few priorities....beyond that, this debate was a massive negative event for him.

3.  The non-disclosure chatter against Bloomberg?  It'll beg for more questions, and it's really too messy for some guy to enter the race and expect this to just disappear.

4.  Joe Biden?  Nothing much to say.  He's finished.

5.  Here at the critical time-point of the entire campaign....someone should have stood out.  No one accomplished that except in the marginal sense of Bernie Sanders pounding the podium. Bernie versus Trump?  Capitalism versus socialism?  You are giving Trump an unbelievable odds to win.

So my final thoughts....there is one single debate left at this point (15 March).  Let's be honest, they should have whittled this down to strictly two people.....Sanders and Bloomberg.  The drama factor at this point (on a scale of one to ten)....maybe a '5'.  If Bloomberg does win, you can discount any of these five folks on the stage from being his VP choice. 

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