Friday 21 February 2020

The Difference Between Trump and Bloomberg

There are five differences between the two:

1.  Trump bluffs....twenty-four hours a days a week.  With Bloomberg, it's a guarded and measured bluff (he's an electrical engineer by trade/university, and he has to sample the bluff, running various tests to ensure it works).

2.  Bloomberg is 'wooden' in front of a crowd.  Trump is animated, and acts more as a circus ringmaster.  Trump wants you to be thrilled and entertained.....thus leaving the 'tent' in a hyped-up state. 

3.  Bloomberg was originally a Democrat....converted to a Republican....converted to a Independent....converted to a Democrat, and generally acts his way through debates as some 75-percent Democrat/25-percent Republican.  Trump?  Basically a Republican since age 12.

4.  Bloomberg, oddly, believes that more regulation resolves problems.  Trump, oddly, believes that less regulation resolves problems. 

5.  Trump believes in fake news.  Bloomberg believes in controlled news (he's ordered various control applications on his owned publications in recent months). 

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