Friday 8 October 2021

This White House 'Stage-Set'

 Over this week, some hype has occurred with the 'sound stage' set up adjacent to the White House....for President Biden to deliver speeches, as though he was appearing in the White House.

Some journalists talk about it....most just seem to overlook it.

The question I'd have.....with the President's general schedule for an entire week 'unfilled' (empty) they have him over there and continually rehearsing his presentation?  

At best, in a normal week, there's maybe three events on his typical schedule....meaning 30-plus hours are unoccupied.  So, does President Biden spend thirty hours a week rehearsing?  

It'd sound silly and crazy, but the mere suggestion that this sound-stage now exists....begs curiosity.

Are there other 'actors' brought pretend to be Macron, Johnson, Merkel or Putin?  Are there big-name directors in the mix?  Is Biden so 'far-out' that he actually thinks he's an actor in this Presidential 'play'?  Could Johnny Depp or Robert Downey Jr be giving him acting lessons?  Could Biden even be nominated for an Oscar?  

Just a lot of things begging questions.  

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