Monday 8 June 2020

How the Blackshirts Differed From the Brownshirts

A lot of people fail to grasp that Italy's Blackshirts....were on the scene a couple of years prior to Hitler's Brownshirts.  So the topic of difference. 

In terms of basic history....Italy's Blackshirts started up shortly after WW I.  Most historians will agree that as soon as WW I ended....the movement to recruit and develop an organization started up.  The key ingredient?  Disgruntled soldiers. 

By the time that 22 October 1922 came around, Mussolini had around 200k Blackshirts as part of this political 'theatrical show'.

The basic membership?  You can go and say a fair number were disgruntled soldiers, but with them came university students (mostly on a tangent about socialism), and landowners. 

Why landowners? usage was tied to the owners, and the farm-workers over the past two decades had developed into unions....always on the edge of strikes and demands for more pay. 

The German Brownshirt make-up?  This is mostly all frustrated vets left from WW I.  There is no indication of university student getting tied into this.....Marxist union workers....or farm workers. 

The thing about the Blackshirts that make them a bit more different....a mass of organizing that came with the 'show'.  They had various units which were formed around 'militias'.  Each had some special theme (railway, police, frontier, university, etc). 

In the Italian theme....the Blackshirts stayed on, after Mussolini took power.....unlike the Brownshirts who were disasembled in the summer of 1934.

The end of the Blackshirts?  It comes on 3 September the Allies have wrapped up the war in Italy, and the Armistice of Cassibile is signed.  There's no mass execution or anything....they simple are taken apart, and in some way....molded into various new creations. 

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