Monday 8 June 2020

The Comical Side of This

I sat today looking over this picture.  I know, it's supposed to be FBI agents, kneeling in support of the riot crowd. 

So it comes to's a fake photo.  There's no doubt, it's real people, and they are wearing vests with FBI.  Some dude has on a shirt with FBI. 

They all seem to wear different hats.  Some wear masks....some don't.  Most have a pistol.  Chunky lady?  Way out of shape from the FBI Academy....they would have taken a fair amount of weight off her while in the academy. 

Purpose?  They (the motivators of the agenda) want to convince you of certain things.  The Nazis did this in the period of 1930 to 1934 as the elections came continually.  If you believed in the would vote in a certain way. 

So I'm going out on this's a real picture of fake FBI actors, and conveys the idea that they are with the mob folks.  Go find chunky lady and ask what she got's probably $300 for a day's worth of acting and picture-taking. 

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