Friday 7 June 2019

The Border Story

It's not a front-page story, and it'll be at least six to ten weeks before the networks start to really discuss this.  But over the two weeks.....a minimum of 500 African folks (we aren't talking US-blacks, but pure and absolute people from Africa) have been caught at the US border with Mexico.  If you do the general statistical game, you can figure at least 2,000 others made it safely through the border. 

How?  No one says much yet.  My guess is that someone in Africa (within the smuggling operations) found two or three older model freighters, and hatched up this dollars-for-a-seat idea (taking a guess of $2,000 a seat) for a two-week voyage across the Atlantic.  They probably have a deal to land in Belize or to the local port manager....dock for 24 hours and refuel....then release off 1,500 to 2,000 'tourists'.  The next day, they leave for Africa.  Within four weeks, they will be back with another load. 

All of this is dependent upon Mexico allowing non-Latin American folks to transit through and leave the country within X-number of days.  If these folks were stranded, it presents problems, and likely increases tensions among the neighbors. 

Making a big mess into a bigger mess?  Yes.  You could be talking about a dozen ships operating like this by the end of the year, and 10,000 Africans crossing the border weekly, on top of whatever number of Latinos were doing it before.

Where will they be heading once across the border?  Unknown.  I would take a guess that it'll be metropolitan type Atlanta, Chicago, Baltimore, LA, and Miami.  Homeless?  Probably so, but homeless in the US is better than staying in Africa.  But here it gets interesting.....if you already had several million undocumented Latinos on the black-market of jobs, and you separate this out so that there are several hundred-thousand undocumented Africans also on the black-market job.....won't this whole system end up in chaos and physical violence?  More than likely. 

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