Wednesday 16 October 2019

Last Night's Debate

After watching around 40 minutes of clips from the Democratic debate last night, I would offer four observations:

1.  Joe Biden's denial of anything 'wrong' with his son and the Ukraine business....probably was true.  On ethics of Joe in the deal-making, yeah....Joe's ethics are fairly tainted.  He did a decent job to explain his piece, but it's a one-star minute of chatter. 

2.  Warren's explanation on how money comes out of thin air for "Medicare for all"?  The wealthy and corporations will be the tax target, which she says in blunt language.  Will the wealthy and corporations simply pass this cost along to the regular consumer?  Yes.  She avoided that topic, but regular people will pay for the cost factor....whether they like that idea or not.

3.  The 'criminal in the White House' quote.....over and over?  What charges?  Surely by now.....almost three complete years in the White House, you could have forty Democratic lawyers-pretending-to-be-political figures rig up charges.  Yet, it's mostly just hot air and theatrical stuff. 

4.  Winner of the evening?  Probably Warren, with Beto and Mayor Pete clobbering each other over 'courage' being the real laugh of the evening. 

Personally, I'd prefer to halt the whole debate thing, and just end the torment on Democratic voters.  Admit Warren is the only potential candidate for the primary season (still 120-plus days away).  Get on with it. 

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