Tuesday 1 October 2019

The Red Matters

I sat and looked this afternoon at the new Trump 'ad'.

Here's the thing which few journalists ever chat on.  Of the 3,007 counties in America....Trump won roughly 95-percent of them in 2016. Hillary, on the county map....less than 5-percent.

So what Trump is basically saying....with RED making the statement...he's not running against Warren, or Sanders, or Joe Biden.  He intends to run in 3,007 counties and 435 districts.  He's playing the game to take a massive win in the House.

The added issue for Democrats?  You see those blue counties?  They generally have two unique features.....black and Latino voters. 

If Trump were to take 50-percent of black male voters (now possible), and half of Latino votes....half of those counties that went to Hillary.....would flip. 

A billion dollars in money, and plenty of impeachment chatter to talk about?  He's got a bigger and more bold plan than people imagine. 

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