Saturday 11 January 2020


"People experiencing mental health problems are more likely to be delusional. 
People who are delusional are more likely to be experiencing mental health problems."

I saw this quote today, and it's stuck in my mind for the past couple of hours.

Around the mid-70s to mid-90, I could probably walk around for an entire day, and run into one single person who had some type of behavioral problems.  Today?  I'd take a guess that in an average week....I'll bump into twenty-odd people with either stress-related issues, delusional problems, or just drugged-up situations.

You see it in airports, grocery stores, and subway stations.  You see it with young people and old folks.  You see it while waiting in line at McDonalds. 

It kinda makes me wonder.....what transpired after the  trigger this level of crazy behavior?

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