Monday 20 January 2020

The 70-Billion Promise?

What is Bloomberg's announced campaign 'promise'?  As president, he would funnel 70-billion dollars to a blacks-only economic program.  There are some twists to it....the money ONLY goes to the top 100 black neighborhoods of America, and there would have to be a black-run neighborhood 'equality' office in his section help provide information to a White House manager who would be the actual person with the bundle of money to spend.

If you were in the 101st or 129nd black neighborhood?  You would be screwed.

Who would form up the black-run neighborhood 'equality' office?  That's a mystery item in this and you can figure that various people will claim the title, and infighting will occur with one group fighting the other to be the 'equality' manager. 

Frequent trips to DC?  I would take a guess that each top 'equality' manager will get a free trip to DC for five days....each quarter, and mostly sit around in some conference room to gab with other equality managers.  A 'friend' authorized to accompany the equality manager?  More than likely.

The odds that 25 billion of this money is totally wasted?  It's a fairly high chance.

Me running this?  I would just cut a check for each black adult (over 18) for $500 a year for four years.  Just hand them the money.....rather than bringing this stupid equality manager corruption scheme into being. 

Added to this promise by Bloomberg......there would be an additional one-million black homeowners.  There weren't a lot of details over how they'd make this work.  One might assume that HUD would be given more cash, and told to go out and find blacks....lower the down-payment structure and ease those blacks easily into the heavily financed home. 

The odds of a 2008 'meltdown' occurring again, and throwing these blacks out of their newly acquired homes?  I'd say there's a fair chance of this happening.  The potential for the home-gimmick to also be tied to equality managers?  It's best not to bring up this possibility. 

Then he said this.....somehow....someway....there would be 100,000 new black-owned small business operations.  How?  That was left entirely blank.  My humble guess is that for government services and procurement....there would be some forcing nature put upon government operations to buy on x-amount of services from black-owned businesses, period.  The fact that you might have a company rigged up to appear black, with a black 'CEO' but be entirely owned by some Latino or white guy?  Don't bring that up.

Some blacks will latch onto this.....hyping the just-nature of this deal.  The problem is....for decades, in highly urbanized areas (Baltimore is a good example)....literally billions have been delivered in each decade, and it's basically failed to make any difference or change.  This seventy-billion?  It'd quietly disappear, if Bloomberg is the President, and show no real change in the end, if you regard past history as being reliable. 

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