Sunday 22 March 2020

The Vaccine or the 'Game-Changer' Drug?

A vaccine for the Coronavirus?  At best, it might come along in early 2021....virtually everyone agrees on that.

The 'game-changer' drug deal?

Here's how this works.   A mixture (probably two to three current drugs on the market for other things) is applied to a sick guy, and the pneumonia-like symptoms are cut down.  There's no way to say 30-percent, 50-percent or even 70-percent.  But you'd get the virus, see the doctor for a test, and once confirmed....get a likely ten-day dose of the game-changer drugs. 

You would then go through a lesser situation, and the death rate would likely be cut in half or more.

How long away for this?  If the game-changer drugs exist could be talking about an end to the threat by May-to-June. 

An acceptable end to the mess?  Some people will say 'NO'.  There will still be deaths.  Here's the thing....there would be deaths with regular flu, meth-use, or diabetes anyway. 

The positive?  Within ten days after the announcement is made over the game-changer drug could re-open airports and get back to normal business.  Yeah, you'd still get the stupid virus and be out of work for probably five days (like the flu would have done you)....but things would go back to a normal situation. 

The journalists hyped up that the virus threat lessened drastically?  That's the comical part of the suggestion.  You'd still have 2,000 journalists across the nation hyped up (anti-Trump, pro-Coronavirus, etc).  The odds that the Europeans would fall in line and accept the game-changer drug?  I think they would drag their feet for about six weeks and then discover that the US has emerged out of the mess, and a massive discontent would exist with regular people over stupid leadership. 

So yeah, the game-changer drug a big deal.  You just haven't reached the impact yet.  Oh, and the cost factor of the game-changer drug?  Unknown, and that's another curious part of the story.  It might be as low as $20 per day for the drug-combo, or it might be $75 per day for the combo.  Or it might even be free via some Trump-deal. 

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