Saturday 25 April 2020

Getting Lectured.....24 Hours a Day

I spend a fair amount of time each week (since in early retirement) focusing business, politics, chaos, and technology news. 

Out of this....probably one-third of what I view or more of a lecture, than practical reporting.  It doesn't matter, if you are talking Brit news, the US scene, or even here in Germany.  A lot of individuals are hyped to lecture you.....feeling it's their 'duty' (where they got this idea.....I have no idea).

The problem for these folks is that I dig into the topic area, and usually out with forty-odd facts, and the lecture for basically that of a 5th-grade kid trying to explain to me nuclear physics, but never actually touching on anything related to physics.  Their's all bad, so I shouldn't ever jump into anything nuclear-related. 

Maybe in my thirties and forties.....I might have sat for an hour to listen to the lecture, and try to grasp all of the insider information.  To be truthful about me at this point.....I don't have the patience anymore to sit for lectures. 

The lectures from the Fridays for the Future 'kid'?  Sorry, you need more life experience before you come around and try to lecture me.

The lectures on diesel cars being evil?  You were the idiot trying to lecture me forty years ago that we all needed cars which got 50 miles-per-gallon, and basically.....the diesel guys were the only ones who could deliver your expectation.

The lectures on wind-mill generator energy?  Once you said they were 'evil' because they killed all these birds.....I kinda started laughing.

The lectures on kids being stupid to borrow $100,000 to get a college education, and then being shocked at age forty that they were still owing massive debt?  I saw through all those lectures from day one on.

The lectures on intellectual folks being the only ones who you should allow to run governments?  It was a funny argument from day one on. 

The lectures simply went on and on. 

So my advice.....once you reach my stage, don't waste time....flip the channel over to reruns of Flipper, or watch the 1937 movie 'Lost Horizon', or walk the dog an extra hour today.  The lecture simply isn't worth the time or effort. 

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