Friday 24 April 2020

Something To Ponder Upon

A study was completed by the New York state health department.  Basically, their statistical review says this.....from the sum total of the entire state (19.5 million)....roughly 13-percent of the folks have had the Coronavirus.

Prior to the study?  Folks kinda thought that the sum total was ONE-percent.

What this all mean?  Basically....a whole bunch of folks were infected and showed few if any symptoms. 

Yeah, it's the kind of thing that would make you pause and ponder.  Today, you might bump into 200 total people, by the time you wrap up things and head back home.  Co-workers, the gas station people, the coffee lady, the burger kid and his crew, the bartender who served you a beer, and the sixteen people within ten feet of you at the pub.  Out of that.....26 of them have had the virus, or have it currently. 

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