Thursday 13 June 2019

Draft Law on 'Dirt'?

Yep, like you'd suspect....the Democrats announced today that they are building a draft law which mandates that all candidates, upon getting 'dirt' from a foreign source.....must turn that 'dirt' over (suggesting the FBI).  If the 'dirt' comes from a US source?  They aren't that clear if that will be legal or illegal.  If the info comes from some barber from Tulsa, and he got it from an illegal Mexican.....well, that might be reportable, or it might be non-reportable.

Yeah, it's got the scent to it of being a failed law.

So in the midst of a debate, reporter 'Joe' could ask Trump if he has 'dirt' on the Democrat, and Trump could say 'yes'....then the follow-up question this from a Russian, a Brit, or some tow-truck driver from Iowa? 

Who will get this dirt?  They haven't said for sure, but it'd have to be a Justice Department guy, or maybe some FBI guy.  A bureau of 'dirt'?  Well.....yeah, you could say that.

Will this pass?  It'd have to pass via the House, and then the Senate, and be signed by the President.  Course, they might be shocked that Mitch says fine with the Senate and gets every Republican lined up.  The President might say sure, and even sign it in the Rose Garden.  Challenged?  I suspect the Russians will immediately challenge this in court and say that it's unfair that they got 'dirt' and can't hand it to someone to use.

You can just see that Ginsburg gal on the Supreme Court and trying to find some legality to this idea, and how foreign 'dirt' is different from US-generated 'dirt'. 

Do we really need more regulation on 'dirt'?  And will this provoke CNN into having a full-time 'dirt' analyst on the payroll.....talking daily about 'dirt'? 

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