Thursday 13 June 2019

"I Think I'd Take It"

When asked if a foreign 'dirt' would come up on his opponent in the 2020 election, Trump responded....."I think I'd take it".  Naturally, this got folks all upset, and the news media countered that you need to turn this over to the FBI.

So the question to ask there a law that says you need to turn 'dirt' of a political type over to the FBI?  NO.  There is NO such law. In fact, I suspect if you ask the FBI....they'd prefer you not get them into dirt investigative practices.

The 'pee' dossier that Senator McCain delivered?  No such law exists for this type of material to be turned over to the FBI, or the Justice Department. 

If a US government employee or representative is being bribed or blackmailed into doing something?  Yes, there are laws for that, and it's generally required to provide that data to a federal law enforcement service.  If some Senator was doing favors for the Chinese?  If some action involved money or government favors, then that's illegal an you have to react.  But just plain regular 'dirt'?  No.

The problem here for the news media.....they are reacting to this, and the question draws this stimulating there 'dirt' on Joe Biden?  Is there 'dirt' on Mayor Pete?

I'm guessing that Joe Biden is quietly meeting with his advisers and discussing all the various 'dirt' items of the past forty years and wondering if the Russians know about this, or if some 'James Bond' secret agent for the Brits is building a dossier on him.  Mayor Pete?  Maybe behind all this gay business....we end up finding some kind of 'dirt' item that Mayor Pete is really bisexual (not gay) and having an affair on the side with some lady.  Or we find out that Mayor Pete did smoke a joint back in 1998 at a college party. 

In the end, all of this is proving the case that no one takes politics serious anymore, and it's all a big joke. 

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