Monday 21 October 2019

Mayor Pete's 'Path'

For Mayor Pete to accelerate and win the nomination....he has two major things that must be accomplished.

1.  He has to move ahead of Biden and win the Iowa Caucus, and the Nevada primary.  The NH and SC matches don't really matter.

2.  Then you arrive to Super-Tuesday (14 states).  Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, and Virginia.  He has to win seven of these (my humble opinion), in order for the path remaining (at least ten of the remaining states).

Odds in southern states like Texas, Alabama or Arkansas?  ZERO. 

I think he has pretty good chances in Minnesota, Virginia, Colorado and California.  Maine and Massachusetts are 50-50 shots.  It's hard to say how people would view him in states like North Carolina or Utah. 

In a Trump-Mayor Pete election?  Southern Democrats and blacks in general....will shy away from Mayor Pete, and lessen their showing at the polls in November.  I won't say it's a guaranteed loss for Mayor Pete, but he'd have to work people into a frenzy to show up and vote, and he's just not the Obama-type of candidate to accomplish that. 

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